Club Leaders

This is a page for our Good News Club leaders! We will put all the information you need when it comes to sending in stats, required forms, and registering volunteers.
We know that record keeping and filling out forms can be tiresome. Please understand that this is to ensure we are staying in touch and are up to date on what is happening in your club so we can better support you. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Statistics on your club are submitted monthly for every month you had a club in. Even if you only had one club in a given month, we will need the stats for that month. Club stats must be submitted to the CEF office by the 10th of each month so we can get them into the USA Ministries office in time. When you give us your stats, you need to include the following details…

Statistics on your club are submitted monthly for every month you had a club in. Even if you only had one club in a given month, we will need the stats for that month. Club stats must be submitted to the CEF office by the 10th of each month so we can get them into the USA Ministries office in time. When you give us your stats, you need to include the following details…
Enrollment: How many students were enrolled in your club. Enrolled means that you have a permission slip and they showed up- it does not count if they turned in a permission slip but did not show up. A child need only attend once to count as being enrolled. The goal is to get the total numbered of children that were reached at least one time. That means from month to month, your club enrollment should never go down. It either stays the same or increases if you get new children. You don’t have to include your attendance every week but if you want to share your average attendance it does help us to get an idea of how things are going from month to month.
Decisions: We need to know if there were any children in club that made a salvation decision for the first time.
Military Parents: This is a record that CEF of USA ministries keeps. We need to know how many kids in your club, if any, have a parent in the military.
Church Attendance: Please also include whether or not any children in your club have started attending church, Sunday school, or a weeknight church program as a result of Good News Club. This is hard to gauge, but just do the best you can.
Email your club stats to or click the button below to submit them online.

School Based Info Sheets
At the beginning of the year or at the start of the club, each club must submit a School Based Information sheet which informs the CEF office about your school, the sponsoring church, the location in the school, and the people you have working with you in your team. It is very important that this form is filled out for every club. You can access and download this form from the Good News Club Resources file in Dropbox, print it out, and give it or email it to us or you can fill it out electronically by clicking the button below. If you have any volunteers join your team after submitting this form, you must let us know about them on your monthly statistics form or by contacting us. We will not run a background check that we’ve received for someone without knowing which club they belong to.

We want to offer you as many resources as we can to make your Good News Club a smooth experience! We have several resources available to you online in addition to the ones we offer in office.
We have a Dropbox folder open to our Good News Club leaders with teaching resources, materials, forms, and a space to upload pictures for office use. Please contact us if you have not been added to this folder and would like to be. Please remember to be adding pictures of your club to the folder occasionally so that we have pictures from all of our clubs.
We also have many resources right here on the website. Check out the resources page for downloadable games, incentive ideas, teaching tools and other useful tools.